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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A TIBCO BW project has 2 EARs - need to hide unused global variables

We have one TIBCO BW project, creating two separate Enterprise Archives (EARs).

We have a set of global variables defined for the whole project. There are some common global variables for both the project. Then we have groups of global variables for each of the respective archives.

When I am creating the EAR for one of the project, I do not want to include the global variables defined for the other archive.

What are my options?

i) I can divide the project into two separate projects, and then clean up the global variables -- but for some reason, I do not want it. I want the project to have all the related processes defined.

ii) I can make the group of global variables un-editable (by deselecting the 'deployment' option in global variable), but I do not want it that way either.

Any other options?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

iProcess Jetty Server Log4j configuration

The default log file for Jetty Server in-built with iProcess Engine 11.x does not come with Rolling File setup for log files, and hence the log file can grow to a huge size depending on your configuration and choice of debug, warn settings.

Following are the lines that you can use in inside 'eaijava' folder, and retstart jetty server, so that the log files would be rolled over after it reaches 5 MB.

log4j.rootLogger=warn, EAIJAVA



# Keep one backup file

log4j.appender.EAIJAVA.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%-5p]%x %c{1} - %m%n%n