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Friday, December 2, 2011

How to write Hawk Rule to monitor all dependent systems for an application

My client has asked to monitor end-to-end systems for an application. I think of writing a hawk rule for the same. This hawk rule would monitor front-end web servers, middle systems like web services, ems servers, back end databases and would send out alert/email when any of the system is going in danger zone.

The fundamental question would be, how do I write a rule to monitor two data sources using one rule?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Unlocking iProcess Procedures

delete from ipeadmin.procedure_lock

delete from [TibIPE2].[ipeadmin].[pm_objects_lock]

Kill a login session on Windows 2003 server

If maximum connection is reached for some server, we can kill the active login session.

1)      Go to any of the application server.

2)      Run - > “tsadmin” command

3)      Go to All Listed Servers under the <domain> and right click on that and select “Connect to computer”

4)      Connect to the computer where you’re not able to login.

As per axis policy, MAX of 2 users are allowed to login on the server.

Pick the victim J and Disconnect the session.

Load Balanced iProcess Engine Restart Sequence

iProcess Engine Restart Sequence:

Sequence should be
è Shut down SECONDARY (secondary_host)
è Wait till it’s entirely shutdown (swsvrmgr status –v    show all STOPPED for MACHINE ID 2)
è Shut down PRIMARY (primary_host)
è Wait till it’s entirely shutdown (swsvrmgr status –v    show all STOPPED for MACHINE ID 1)
è Bring up PRIMARY (primary_host)
è Wait till it’s entirely up (swsvrmgr status –v    show all RUNNING for MACHINE ID 1)
è Bring up SECONDARY (secondary_host)